Monday, August 8, 2011

A Comprehensive Look At Female Pop Singers VIII

Whitney Houston

     Where do I start with Houston? That's tough. Not one of my first choices on the dial, but undoubtedly a national treasure. Without question. To date, no one has perfomed the "Star Spangled Banner" better.(Super Bowl 1991) Maybe never will. I would give it to GaGa, though. I think she could do it almost as well.Everyone knows Whitney. However, not everyone likes Whitney. I admire and respect her talent and accomplishments above and beyond most. My memory can span her entire career: The beginning, the middle, the end? Unfortunately, her voice isn't where it used to be having picked up some baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad habits. I believe she married a demon, one straight from Hell. And when you love something whatever they do is going to seem o.k. in your eyes. You are blind. She was blinded by love-a wicked love. Everybody knows who I am referring to so I do not need to mention his name. People like that do not deserve shout outs. I am sure that there are many who would agree with me when I say that such an influence of evil better hope that we do not cross paths-in this life or the next. I strongly believe that she could bounce back if she wanted to. She could heal. It is possible. Mentally, physically, vocally. Please?


Vocal Range:



3.3 Octaves


The Congregation


(I'm giving this to you, Whit...even though you dissed my girl back in the day)


"God's mic"

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