Monday, July 25, 2011

A Comprehensive Look At Female Pop Singers II

Erykah Badu:

     I think I tend to cling to singers.When I like someone's music, I want to know everything about them. Where they're from, where they were born, etc. With this information, I believe I can have a better understanding of their art. Before I was introduced to Badu's music, I had Lauryn Hill. Understanding full well that Lauryn's ability would carry her career above and beyond. But, as most of us are aware it did, and then she seemingly gave it up. I will always be a gigantic L.Hill fan-regardless of what her misdirection led her to say in the media. I'll discuss Hill more later in her own post as I digress from Badu. Almost as soon as Hill disappeared from the scene I had been developing a deep admiration for Badu and her interesting style. To me she is like a cross between Billie Holiday and Chaka Khan. Badu certainly has a voice, but I strongly believe it took some extra concentration on what her influences had taught her to perfect her ability. This is not a rarity by any means. Alot of singers train this way. I have. She combines a light flow of beautiful and original lyrics with the possibility of erupting at any moment into a powerhouse vocalist. She is the calm and the storm. Badu has served as a huge influence for me. Just by listening to her songs and singing them around the house or what have you, I have learned a great deal about the technique of a vocalist. As someone who loves to sing--Thank you, Erykah with all my heart.


Vocal Range:  D3-B6, C7(Live-"Stay" by Chaka Khan)

Projection:  Your soul

Style: Original nuanced with her personal influences

"Floats in the Air."

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